
Since March 2020, this site has provided information about the university's response to 新型冠状病毒肺炎. Originally offering detailed plans about future "repopulation" efforts, the primary focus of this 网站 today is on planning your in-person experience while at The Beach. 


Inquiries related to student vaccine requirements should be directed to Student 健康 服务 which outlines required and recommended 其网站上的免疫.

Employees are recommended to receive immunization against 新型冠状病毒肺炎 but are not required to be vaccinated at this time.


一些非现场的测试选项是打开的 洛杉矶县公共健康网站.

Our campus strongly recommends but no longer requires facial coverings in indoor spaces. 教师 members cannot require students to wear masks or segregate students who choose not to wear a mask in classrooms as a result of this policy. Mask wearing may only be required for students when there has been a verified 新型冠状病毒肺炎 exposure in a classroom.

We will revisit this policy as appropriate with the guidance of public health agencies. 


  • 教师 and staff who will be interacting with individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing, as well as others for whom speech reading and access to facial expression are essential components of communication, 可以戴fda批准的透明口罩吗, 和/或面罩, 哪些已经被批准了 LACDPH. 两者都可在鲍勃墨菲访问中心要求. 请联系 bmac@surprise-electricians.com or 格洛丽亚.Williams@surprise-electricians.com 了解更多信息.

Physical distancing is no longer a requirement of CAL-OSHA or public-health guidance, though distancing is encouraged especially in areas where employees may remove their masks including lunch and break rooms. Individuals who are not vaccinated are also recommended to maintain six feet of physical distancing from others while outdoors.

而专业的清洁降低了健康风险, every member of the CSULB community has a joint responsibility to sanitize their own work area and shared resources, 包括会议室和经常接触的表面. Disinfecting materials will be provided in these areas so occupants can do their part to prevent the transmission of pathogens on surfaces. 需要额外清洁用品的员工请联系 COVID-PPE@surprise-electricians.com.

The following steps have been taken relating to building ventilation in preparation for general building re-occupancy and sustained occupancy:

  • All building mechanical air handler systems were inspected and repaired per manufacturer recommendations.
  • Mechanical ventilation duct systems were disinfected and all buildings were temporarily closed and flushed with 100% outside air.
  • New mechanical equipment filters were installed to the highest efficiency possible.
  • Mechanical ventilation was increased to the highest point without impacting cooling and heating the buildings.
  • 吊扇, 在适用情况下, were turned off or programmed to blow air up if an interior space requires the use of fans as part of the building climate control system. 
  • Ongoing maintenance of mechanical ventilation systems in all buildings was increased, including changing out of high-efficiency filters as needed; inspection and repair of mechanical equipment; disinfection of duct systems; and increasing clean outside air into buildings, 在可行的情况下.

Public-health officials note that ventilation and other indoor air quality improvements are an addition to, 而不是代替, mandatory protections including wearing face coverings (except in certain high-risk environments that require using proper respiratory protection), 勤洗手, and limiting activities that bring together people from different households.

  • 接种新型冠状病毒肺炎疫苗.
  • 勤洗手,彻底洗手. 用肥皂洗手至少20秒.
  • 避免用未洗手的手触摸你的脸.
  • 如果你需要咳嗽或打喷嚏, cover your mouth and nose with a tissue and then thoroughly wash your hands.
  • 定期对家中经常接触的物品进行消毒.
  • Use a face covering as recommended or required by current public health guidance.
  • 多休息,多喝水,吃健康的食物


If you are a student who has tested positive for 新型冠状病毒肺炎, it is recommended to please 请填写这张表格 通知学生健康服务部.

如果你是教职员工, you should immediately report an illness to your administrative services manager (ASM) and fill out the form linked on the single sign-on page titled "疾病报告." Employees who test positive for the virus and are either asymptomatic or experience only mild symptoms may be able to work remotely.


Fully vaccinated individuals who have been exposed to someone who has tested positive for 新型冠状病毒肺炎 are not required to quarantine at this time, 然而,指导是根据具体情况确定的. 

If you are exposed to 新型冠状病毒肺炎 it is recommended you test in three to five days after exposure, monitor for symptoms and wear an upgraded mask such as a KN-95 for 10 days.

Those who test positive but have no symptoms should plan to isolate from others for five days after they receive positive test results. Isolation can end if they have been fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medicines AND either have no symptoms OR their symptoms are mild to improving. A negative 新型冠状病毒肺炎 test is no longer required to leave isolation. 

有关隔离最佳实践的详细信息,请访问 洛杉矶公共卫生局 网站.

截至3月3日, 2023 employees who test positive for 新型冠状病毒肺炎 should notify their manager and prepare to isolate for five days. 在检测呈阳性的第六天, 如果症状有所改善,员工可以重返工作岗位, 戴口罩的时间增加了5天. They may remove their mask after two consecutive 新型冠状病毒肺炎 negative tests taken one day apart.