
The Office of 注册服务 provides students, 教师, 以及服务人员, 工具, and resources to ensure student success. 我们的职能包括, registration and class scheduling, 经济援助和奖学金, 毕业评价, and management of student records, and we offer students guidance on policies and procedures and help completing essential enrollment tasks at 沙滩中央, 一站式服务中心. We partner with offices across campus in our mission to help students graduate every day.

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足球买球 the topics below to discover the latest updates and tutorials:

Procedures, forms and reports to support the administration of academic scheduling.

CSULB符合 家庭 教育al Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) which affords students certain rights with respect to their education records. The 家庭 教育al Rights and Privacy Act, also known as the “Buckley Amendment,” was established to protect the privacy of students.

Third Party Information Permissions and Passwords

学生 may choose to grant third party permission to discuss class schedule, 成绩, 助学金详情, and/or student financial services (tuition and billing) information with respective university 工作人员. 学生 can designate individuals through their 学生中心 under the “Personal Information” drop-down menu “FERPA Information Release” option.

学生 can then enter the names of the individual(s) who have permission to discuss their educational record along with a 独特的密码

  • 顾问: Here is a guide on how to determine if a student has designated third party permissions.


CSULB提供 数据安全和FERPA training through the CSU 培训 website, available in 单点登录.

U.S. 教育部提供 FERPA 101: For 大学 and Universities 通过他们的网站进行培训.


Procedures, forms, and reports to support Graduate Advisors.



MyCSULB教师中心 allows instructors to review their teaching schedule, 访问和管理班级名册, approve or deny student requests (permission to add a class late, 撤回请求, 和请求审计一个类), and submit mid-term and final 成绩. Instructors may also have access to advisement information.

To access MyCSULB教师中心, log in to 单点登录 然后选择 教师中心 应用程序.

The user interface for 学生中心 (including 教师中心 and 顾问中心) was updated on December 1, 2023. 看 学生演练视频 to see a preview of the changes for students. 教师, 工作人员, and advisors will have the option to revert back to the "classic mode*" experience if they wish. 查看支持页面, What's New with 学生中心.

*Keep in mind that students will not have the option to revert back to "classic mode."



  • If a class for which you are the instructor of record is not listed in the 我的教学计划 section or if you can't access your class roster, please contact your department scheduling coordinator.
  • For assistance logging in to 单点登录, please contact the 技术帮助台.
  • Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is required to log in to MyCSULB教师中心. 详情可浏览 微软MFA.

The Student 政府 system is CSULB's system that is used to maintain students' academic and financial information, 生成管理报告, and complete related business processes. This system is only available to authorized 工作人员 and 教师 to support official university business.

教师 who are assigned to teach at least one class in the current semester automatically receive limited access to the student system through MyCSULB教师中心. 工作人员 and 教师 who need additional access may request administrative access to the system.


The user interface for 学生中心 (including 教师中心 and 顾问中心) was updated on December 1, 2023. 看 学生演练视频 to see a preview of the changes for students. 教师, 工作人员, and advisors will have the option to revert back to the "classic mode*" experience if they wish. 查看支持页面, What's New with 学生中心.

*Keep in mind that students will not have the option to revert back to "classic mode."



  • For assistance logging in to 单点登录, please contact the 技术帮助台.
  • Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is required to log in to the Student 政府 system. 详情可浏览 微软MFA.
  • For questions about Student 政府 system processes, please reach out to the point of contact on the Student 政府 System Contacts 页面.