CSULB receives $11M gift from 鲍尔默集团 to credential early childhood teachers

Published August 23, 2023

Cal State Long Beach has received an $11 million gift from 鲍尔默集团, 这是一项转型投资,将使大学能够为早期儿童教育工作者颁发证书,并为几代学生进入幼儿园做好准备. It is the largest gift received for programs in the university’s College of 教育.

2021年,州长. Gavin 新闻om announced that by 2025, 近400,000名4岁儿童将进入过渡幼儿园,这有望成为该国最大的普及学前教育计划. 

CSULB加入了加州的行列,致力于普及学前教育,并使早期儿童保育工作人员专业化——主要是有色人种的女性, 平均, 低工资. 

“我们很高兴能与鲍尔默集团合作,为加州所有4岁儿童准备高质量的幼儿园前教师,安娜·奥尔蒂斯说, dean of the College of 教育 at CSULB. “这笔捐款将使我们能够为目前的幼儿教育工作者提供有意义的财政支持, so they are ready to enter our elementary schools. 它也为我们公立学校提供的优秀就业机会提供了一条途径. The gift will also support the development of the PK-3 credential, giving all students at CSULB an additional career option in education. We are grateful for Ballmer’s generous support.” 

大部分资金(80%)将为攻读儿童发展文学学士学位的学生或专注于幼儿园前教学的小学资格证教师提供奖学金. The rest will go toward developing the PK-3 (ECE) Specialist Instructional Credential, which will include advising and recruiting new and current student educators, creating an infrastructure in the College of 教育, and creating partnerships with local school districts and community colleges. 

The work will also help diversify the teaching profession in Southern California, 确保幼儿接受与他们分享文化和生活经验的教师的指导, 奥尔蒂斯说.

Teacher showing young student a book
这笔1100万美元的捐款将使CSULB能够为幼儿教育工作者提供财政支持, which will prepare them to enter elementary school classrooms.

康妮和史蒂夫·鲍尔默于2015年共同创立了鲍尔默集团,专注于改善美国儿童和家庭的经济流动性和机会, who are disproportionately likely to remain in poverty. 鲍尔默集团的慈善事业旨在帮助确保一个人在健康的出生和稳定的家庭中茁壮成长, a safe childhood and adolescence, 良好的教育, and a career that can support a family. 

鲍尔默集团向The Beach捐赠的同时,还向加州州立大学多明格斯山分校(Dominguez Hills)捐赠了2200万美元,以支持该校的类似项目. 

In partnership with 鲍尔默集团, CSULB和CSUDH正在通过培养具有文化能力和种族多样性的PK-3幼儿教师,并将他们安置在L.A. 县.


“Early education is a game-changer for giving kids a fair shot in school and life," said Kim Pattillo Brownson, director of Strategy and Policy at 鲍尔默集团. “Teachers are vital to this work, 加州大学洛杉矶分校和加州大学洛杉矶分校现在可以通过奖学金支持洛杉矶未来的早期教育工作者, degree programs and partnerships to support our children’s learning.” 

这样的投资也支持了The Beach塑造加州未来劳动力的目标, one of the priorities of the university’s 足球买球 comprehensive fundraising campaign.

“Cal State Long Beach is grateful for the generous support of 鲍尔默集团,” said President Jane Close Conoley. “Through their acknowledgement of our efforts, we will be able to prepare a critical mass of high-quality, credentialed early childhood teachers.

“这笔资金将使我们能够为进入公立学校的早期学习者的学业成功奠定基础, 使幼儿教育工作者的工作专业化,使本地区的教师队伍多样化. Thanks to 鲍尔默集团, CSULB将在满足对合格幼儿园教师的迫切需求方面发挥至关重要的作用.”