Financial Wellness

CSULB经济援助和奖学金办公室相信每个学生都应该受到良好的教育, responsible, 经济状况良好的大学成员. 但你不必独自一人去那里. 我们收集了一些信息和资源来帮助你在经济上走上正轨(或让你重新站起来).

花点时间回顾一下下面的内容. 如果您有任何问题或疑虑,我们随时为您服务.


财务规划的基本概念是你可以管理你的收入和支出,以达到或保持财务健康. 财务规划可以采取多种形式, including budgeting; reviewing and deciding on a debt repayment plan; and growing your wealth through savings and investments.

回顾是一个很好的开始 CSULB的金融知识 program.This resource is available to you has a current student; alumnus; and parent. Workshop topics include budgeting; credit management; identity theft; buying a car; and insurance.

预算包括了解你的收入和支出, 努力使你的收入和支出平衡或者, ideally, 让你的收入超过你的支出.

预算通常是你迈向财务健康的第一步, 因为它要求你仔细而清楚地看看你有多少钱,你把钱花在哪里了. 你通常在开始做预算时心里有一个目标, whether that is to simply reduce debt or expenses; to save up for a special cost, like a trip; or build up enough capital to begin investing.


债务可能是你通往财务健康道路上的一个主要障碍. Whether your debt is due to credit cards; loans; education; or other obligations, 欠债会阻碍你实现财务目标.

通常你会从学习如何预算开始处理债务, 但有时它甚至有助于理解什么是债务, in general; what sort of debt you might be dealing with; and how you got into debt.


存钱可以帮助你把钱花在理想的目标上,比如旅行或特殊的物品. 储蓄也可以让你走上投资和财富增长的道路.

There is some debate on whether you should prioritize saving or paying down debt; your financial wellness plan will depend on your specific circumstances and what will make sense for you.


CSULB知道你在学校可能需要一些帮助. We've listed a 校园资源丰富 这可以帮助你找到你需要的帮助.

Enrollment Services provides workshops throughout the year on Financial Wellness; keep an eye on our Outreach page 为了你的下一个机会.

与此同时,花几分钟浏览一下 CSULB的金融知识 program, 哪一种方法可以指导你完成所有的步骤,让你走上财务健康的正确道路.