Donato Center’s grand opening confirms a home for multilingual studies at CSULB

Published March 15, 2024

海滩庆祝在培养学生突破语言障碍能力的项目上不断增加的投资,并于3月14日举办了一场盛大的开幕式 Clorinda Donato Center for Global Romance Languages and Translation Studies. The center provides a new place for students, many of whom may already be multilingual, to develop the necessary skills for professional-level translation and interpretation.

“我们的校园是美国第一个促进多语言能力教学的中心,这是一个巨大的荣誉, and the first center in the CSU system to focus on translation studies,” President Jane Close Conoley said. “Acquiring an understanding of cultural, 经济, 政治, and 社会 dynamics is indispensable for navigating the future. 我很自豪地说,多纳托中心已经在成为一个世界级的翻译中心和多元文化聚会空间的道路上走得很好.”

自2017年以来,多纳托中心一直是校园的一部分,参与其项目的学生和教师在2023年9月获得了自己的空间, when the campus housed the center within its 文科 Building. 主要的捐赠 马里奥Giannini, who joined Thursday’s gathering, has contributed to its work, including the gift that facilitated the center’s founding 作为加州州立大学系统在翻译研究领域的首次尝试.

"I don't want to make it sound too basic, 但这是因为他们有一个愿景,要创造一个以理解不同语言和单词的重要性为中心目标的地方,” Giannini said. “使用语言来更好地了解人们和文化如何协同工作并相互交流.”

多纳托中心支持学术课程,使本科生辅修翻译研究或在语言学文学学士学位上增加翻译研究选项. The Beach also offers a 12-month Graduate Certificate in Translation Studies. 虽然有抱负的笔译和口译员可能已经熟悉使用多种语言, professional work requires specialized learning, Center Director Clorinda Donato说.

Professionals often work in specialized fields, such as the court system or healthcare industry, and that means their vocabularies must contain specialized terminology, Donato说. A courtroom interpreter, 例如, 需要能够准确地将英语法律术语转换为另一种语言的等效术语,同时保持客户之间的沟通, the client’s family, and an attorney. 多纳托中心设有隔音隔间,供学生练习口译艺术.

“我们提高和磨练学生的语言技能,让他们意识到翻译的道德,多纳托说, who is also a professor of Italian and French.

Other fields have distinct challenges for translators and interpreters. 本地化媒体内容的专业人员必须掌握字幕和配音技术, 准备营销材料的翻译人员需要尊重潜在客户语言的地区差异.

“If it’s Spanish, there are many varieties of Spanish,” Donato说. “如果你要在墨西哥推销一种产品,你不会使用马德里的语言.”

完全, 贾尼尼对多纳托中心的捐赠是对文理学院项目的最大捐赠, according to the College. 多纳托中心支持向专业翻译和口译人员传授有价值技能的项目,这与贾尼尼的慷慨与校园“无障碍运动”及其中心目标之一相一致, shaping California’s future workforce. The 足球买球 campaign accomplished its goal of raising $275 million 现在将一直活跃到9月份开始的下一学年.
