Title IX At The Beach

Sex Discrimination, Sexual Harassment, Sexual Misconduct, Dating and Domestic Violence, Stalking, and Sexual Exploitation







Jacqueline Urtez和Rocio Telumbre (Advocate@surprise-electricians.com) (8AM-5PM business hours)



校外24/7员工保密支持 & Students: 

24/7 SUPPORT: YWCA, Greater Los Angeles at 877-943-5778 (Y-HELPS-U)

What is a Campus Advisor?


Campus Advisors:

Alexandria Cordon (Alexandria.Cordon@surprise-electricians.com)

David Roman (David.Roman@surprise-electricians.com)

Jessica Wood (Jessica.Wood@surprise-electricians.com)





  • 校园机密倡导者:杰奎琳·乌尔特斯和罗西奥·特伦布雷
    Student Health Services
  • ATOD/Violence Prevention & 性行为不端顾问:琳达Peña
    Student Health Services 268
  • Student Health Services
  • 辅导及心理服务 (CAPS)
    Brotman Hall 226

Sexual Assault

Domestic Violence


Other Hotlines

加州州立大学长滩分校, takes pride in its tradition of maintaining a civil and non-violent learning, working, and social environment. Civility and mutual respect toward all members of the University community are intrinsic to the establishment of excellence in teaching and learning. *



If you are a student, faculty member, staff member, 或者第三方经历过, witnessed, 或者对性骚扰有所了解, sexual violence, 约会/家庭暴力或跟踪, 请使用报告链接向第九条协调员报告.


Larisa Hamada,第九条协调员
Larisa.Hamada@surprise-electricians.com, 562.985.8256
Office of Equity & 合规,基础大楼- 160套房

Criminal Reports

The CSULB 大学警察局 (UPD) and any law enforcement agency must notify victims of sexual violence that their name will become a matter of public record unless they request confidentiality. If the request is made, the police will not divulge the victim’s identity to anyone including the Title IX Coordinator. However, UPD will report the facts of the case to the Title IX Coordinator.

Location: across from Student Recreation and Wellness Center on Palo Verde
562.985.4101 (non-emergency 24/7); when on campus 911 (emergency 24/7)

* (Excerpt from CSULB Statement on Civility and Acts of Violence, 2016-2017)

夜间陪同计划/社区服务主任 (CSO)


Title IX Annual Report: Sexual Misconduct, Dating / Domestic Violence, & Stalking

各校区将于每年10月1日报告以下内容, 2021-2022财年(7月1日, 2021-June 30, 2022), without disclosing any information that would reveal the identities of the parties involved:


Please note: The statistics in this report may not coincide with Clery statistics in the Annual Security and Fire Safety Report. These statistics are provided in compliance with Executive Order 1095, 修改日期:6-23-15 fiscal year. Clery statistics in the University’s Annual Security and Fire Safety Report are reported for the previous calendar 联邦法律规定的年份. Additionally, reports to the Title IX Coordinator may be related to incidents which did not take place on Clery defined geography. 






The Red Zone

一学年的前六周在全国被称为“开学”。Red Zone” when there is a much higher likelihood of experiencing sexual assault, 尤其是对一年级的学生.  We are making every effort to provide educational awareness tools to our campus community in an effort to support and empower our CSULB students and employees. 对许多人来说,“肯定同意”可能令人困惑. Our Beach IX Ally program asks our community partners to Refer student concerns to the appropriate support services and campus offices, 当他们看到问题出现时进行干预, 支持那些可能遇到第九条相关问题的人, and Educate themselves, students, 和他的同事讨论了教育法第九条, campus resources, 性行为不端的预防和意识. To help educate our campus community understand CSU’s Affirmative Consent policy, 请考虑观看以下教育短片: Consent - It's Simple as Tea


The CSU prohibits employees from entering into a consensual relationship with any Student over whom they exercise direct or otherwise significant academic, administrative, supervisory, evaluative, counseling, or extracurricular authority. Please see the 禁止歧视政策, Harassment, Sexual Misconduct, Sexual Exploitation, Dating Violence, Domestic Violence, Stalking, and Retaliation (第7条A款)和CSULB Academic Senate policy for more information.

Title IX prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex — including pregnancy, parenting and all related conditions — in education and in programs and activities that receive federal funding. All students who might be, are, or have been pregnant have a right to the same access to school programs and educational opportunities that other students have.

If you would like to request accommodations as a pregnant or parenting student, contact the Bob Murphy Access Center (BMAC) as soon as possible. The university can require a pregnant student to provide a doctor’s certification of fitness to continue in an education program or activity only if the same requirement is imposed on all other students with physical or emotional conditions requiring a doctor’s care. 请将医疗或其他医疗信息直接提交给 Bob Murphy Access Center (BMAC) -不是对你的教授. For privacy reasons, medical documentation is handled by the Bob Murphy Center. 

Additional Resources

For student resources for pregnant and parenting students, contact the 妇女与性别平等中心(WGEC)

CSULB Lactation Policy and Procedure for Students, Employees, and Third Parties

Employees, students, and third parties have a right to request a lactation accommodation, including a private space reasonably close location to their working and learning environment. CSULB在校园内指定了永久性哺乳空间, 为CSULB社区提供私人空间. 虽然这些空间在特定的设施上可能有所不同, 所有的空间都有一把椅子, table, a sink, and electrical outlets. If no permanent lactation space exists in a reasonably close location, individuals may request a temporary lactation space for the duration of their lactation needs.

The University will make every effort to provide reasonable accommodations based on available space and resources and will provide a response to such requests, including written notice if a requested accommodation cannot be provided.  学生提前通知, employee, or third party is strongly encouraged and we ask campus offices to assist in ensuring advance notice so a lactation space can be provided.

Where refrigerators are not available in or reasonable near lactation spaces, individuals may request alternative cooling options as part of a lactation accommodation. All lactation accommodation requests, questions, or concerns should be submitted or referred to the Bob Murphy Access Center for review by contacting BMAC@surprise-electricians.com 或562-985-5401,营业时间为上午8点至下午5点. Additional lactation accommodation information, including a campus map, may be found on the Campus Website

An employee may report alleged violations of California Labor Code 1030-33 to the Office of Equity & 多样性或劳工专员的实地执法单位. A student may report alleged Title IX violations to the Office of Equity & 多元化或公民权利办公室. A third party guest of the University may report alleged lactation concerns to the Office of Equity & 多元化或公平就业部门 & Housing.

Campus Map Resources

Lactation Room & 换婴站地点


Faculty & 应对第九条相关披露的员工指南

建议Title IX / DHR声明:

CSULB strives to provide students with a safe educational learning environment. CSU全系统非歧视政策 requires all faculty and staff to report forward allegations of sexual misconduct (i.e. stalking, dating/domestic violence, rape, 性侵犯)以及歧视, harassment, and retaliation (i.e. 种族、年龄、性别、宗教、残疾等.) to Equity & Compliance; (OEC@surprise-electricians.com | 562-985-8256). Equity & Compliance will provide the student with campus rights and confidential resources.


Campus Confidential Advocate (不当性行为相关事宜)

Advocate@surprise-electricians.com | 562-985-2668(上午8点至下午5点)|学生健康中心

Counseling & Psychological Services (Therapeutic Support)


Emergency & Safety Support Services:

University Police 

全天候开放| 911(紧急)| 562-985-4101(非紧急)


Title IX | Equity & Compliance

OEC@surprise-electricians.com |562-985-8256(上午8点至下午5点)| Foundation Building, Suite 160