
The vice president's office provides leadership for the division's responsibilities that include building trust in the Beach brand; advancing engagement and advocacy; fostering philanthropy through annual-, 主要的,, and planned-gift programs; producing meaningful events and brand experiences for our many stakeholders; spearheading strategic initiatives that hold long-term promise for institutional advancement; and providing for a well-administered and efficient internal infrastructure that empowers this work.


Dan Montoya于2022年10月加入The Beach. 他最近担任洛约拉玛丽蒙特大学校园倡议的执行董事, 并成功领导了圣地亚哥州立大学和加州大学圣地亚哥分校的发展和校友关系项目. 他还在帮助这些机构执行与多样性有关的战略目标方面发挥了关键作用, 股本, 和包容. 他在圣地亚哥州立大学获得学士学位,在韦伯斯特大学获得MBA学位.